Monday, October 27, 2008

Ben's Chili Bowl

Ben's Chili Bowl

1213 U Street NW

Washington, DC 20009


This past weekend we went to DC to catch a show at the 9:30 Club. We took the Metro in and found a great place to have dinner before the show. Ben's Chili Bowl is a neighborhood fixture, celebrating it's 50th Anniversary this year. You order at the front or at the counter, if you can grab a seat. We were lucky to grab a seat right at the counter. Virtually no waiting for our food! We ordered the turkey burger with cheese, the chili burger and an order of the chili and cheese fries. The burgers were both served with chips and were delicious. The chili has a distinct flavor and added a nice twist to an ordinary bowl of chili cheese fries. Our meal cost a little less than $15! So, if you skip the fries you can comfortably eat for 2 under $10.00! I'm sure next time we're in the neighborhood we're stopping at Ben's Chili Bowl to try some of their other favorites like the hot dogs!

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